On-line catalogue

The Computer Catalogue of the Jagiellonian University Libraries contains information about library collections. The Catalogue contains jointly the collections of the Jagiellonian Library JU, Medical College Library and the departmental and institutional libraries of Jagiellonian University. Holdings belonged to the Library of the Faculty of Management and Social Communication have location: BIBL.WYDZ.ZARZĄDZ. I KOM. SPOŁ.

Status: "Non-Circulating" means that a book is available in the Reading Room only.
Status: "Available" means that a book can be borrowed outside the Library.

Attention :
Items located in the Library of the Faculty of Management and Social Communication can't be ordered through VIRTUA online catalogue.

VIRTUA – location code enables to limit searches to items belonged to institutional libraries and Jagiellonian Library.

VIRTUA allows for:

  • searching books and journals (basic, advanced),
  • making requests,
  • checking user's account,
  • prolonging.

Additional information about online catalogue